Black Acorn Dogs

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

New Digs


I moved desks at work today, and just finished my unpacking process. I'm much closer to my main team now, which I'm extremely happy about. There were only 3 people I worked directly with in my old building. In the entire building. And they didn't sit particularly close, either. It got to feeling like "The Net". I probably could have not shown up at my desk for a week and no one would have known. That's assuming I was online, of course, and in person at certain key meetings, but so much is done via conference call, there are times when I could go days without having to see people face-to-face in a company of thousands of people and running a project with 100-200 people involved. It's crazy sometimes. So I'm really happy about my new location.

I now have all my boxes (3 of them) unloaded and all of my things are organized, put away, hung up, or otherwise arranged. It already looks like I've been here forever. I have a selection of things I put on the walls of my cube or otherwise use for decoration, and they've followed me through a number of moves. I can very quickly take every down and put it back up. It's always a riot to see the look on people's facees when they see how quickly everything is settled, especially when it's the people who've been seeing an empty cube for days or weeks, and suddenly its fully populated. It reminds me of the time a townhouse complex we lived in put fully grown trees in one day, and Diane and I argued like crazy over whether they'd always been there. (She insisted they had, however before the trees went in, kids used to play ball back there every day. They had NOT been there previously. :D)

I still don't have a phone, and this is a major sore point. I've been hopping up and down all day to use a phone at another desk. I really hope they have my phone in tomorrow.

Back to the doctor tomorrow. I'm still healthy (in so far as I can walk around and stuff) but the coughing is back and antibiotics had ended Sunday. I want to make sure we keep this under control before it makes itself at home. Plus it's sooo rude to have this obnoxious cough where other poor coworkers have to listen to it constantly all day.


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