Black Acorn Dogs

Monday, February 06, 2006

Back to Routine

Finally back to work today, after 9 days of butt-on-the-couch. The poor dogs are getting stir crazy from abridged walks since Diane's had to do them all herself. I couldn't even do training classes this week!

Ever since coming back from Portland, I've been very sensitive to noticing time of sunrise. I was very surprised one morning in Portland when I realized it was 7:15 and the sun wasn't up yet, even a little. My mother (who lives in upstate NY) didn't think anything of it. Logically it makes perfect sense that days are shorter in the north, but I never thought of NY/Oregon as being that much further north than VA to make a difference. Just never occurred to me, I guess. I *had* idly noticed since moving to Virginia that it doesn't seem to get dark as early in the evening during winter as I'd always remembered, and hey look at that, it's true.


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