Black Acorn Dogs

Monday, January 09, 2006


I've officially crossed a new line as of last night in the way agility works into my psyche.

It's very common for people to have certain recurring dreams. The classic stereotypical example is to dream about being naked at school (not that everyone has that particular one). Shugirl posted recently that she'd been having ones about not being prepared for a test (despite the fact that she's been out of school for years) and of having all of her teeth have problems or fall out. I commented that my two recurring "anxiety dreams" were that I'm supposed to be at a horse show but I don't know where any of my equipment is or that I'm in a theatrical production and I haven't prepared any of my lines.

Last night, I had a new one. I drempt that I was at an agility trial and chatting with other people in the line-up. Suddenly, it was my turn to go and I hadn't studied the course! Worse yet, it was a Jumpers course and there were about double the number of jumps on the course that there would normally be, so just imagine that there's a field with so many yellow jumps on it that you'd be hard pressed to find a line to even run through it.

I guess I can say that I'm proud of how I handled the situation in the dream. I still went out and ran the course (with a Bearded Collie. Which didn't even belong to me in the dream. No clue whose dog it was. Dreams are *weird*.) We sort of did a make-your-own course and it went so-so. So it was bad that we weren't prepared, but kudos that I tried to make a go of it.

So looks like I have new addition to the "anxiety dream" category. Luckily my anxiety dreams seem to centralize around things I like to do. Takes a lot of the sting out!


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