Black Acorn Dogs

Friday, January 06, 2006

White Flag

I give up. I think, starting now, I'm going to try to post everything all in one blog, and this is it. I've kept separate blogs for a long time (currently the dog-related and the non-dog-related), but it's gotten to where it feels silly to decide which one to post in. And I'm not really posting often in either, so... screw it. There's no sense segregating it all out, and people who want to read about dog stuff and people who don't care about dog stuff will just each have to deal.

Probably this post will now sit here on its lonesome for a little while instead of generating the hoped-for new flush of messages from me, but we'll see.

In honor of kicking it off, let me write an actual post.

Why is it that I think of things all the time that I'd like to blog about, and then when I have a few minutes, I'm always staring at the blank screen? I hate when that happens. Anyone else?

We start Reactive Dog Class with Indie on Saturday. I'm actually pretty excited about it. He's also going to be enrolled in regular Sub-Novice/CGC again, but his dog/dog behavior has taken a real backslide ever since the weather starting turning icky (which was really about 3 months ago) and we stopped getting out to see other dogs as much. Hopefully if we keep working it through the winter it'll turn around easily enough when the weather gets nice again. It's a real pain in the rear, and mkes it hard to take him fun places. On the flip side, Ebby continues to be better and better all the time on that front. She's been great in class for a long time, and she's even learning to get it under control when there's another dog barking/lunging at her in the neighborhood. She's come a long way, and that's what gives me a lot of patience with Indie.


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