Black Acorn Dogs

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

We had our first herding trial last weekend... and Ebby earned her HCT! Whoo hoo... she's a herding dog!

HCT stands for Herding Capability Test and really just tests to see that a dog has some interest in the sheep (or ducks, or cows, or whatever) and tries to do something with them other than eat them. I have some video that I'll post when I can get it off the camera (or at least grab some stills), but here's the one shot I have in the meantime:

A couple other Shiloh Shepherds came out this weekend to try their paw, er, hand at the HCT, and one of them earned a leg without ever having seen a sheep.

Sabine and Tessa:

Mary and Teri:

There were a couple other Shilohs doing more advanced herding, but those images are locked up on the other camera too.


  • Awesome! I love the pics. :) Makes me want to go herd again... if only Levi would drive! Hrmph. Oh well. I can't afford it anyway. :p

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:19 AM  

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