Black Acorn Dogs

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Shiloh Agility

Yesterday was our Shiloh club agility day up at Melissa's place. I, for one, could happily do that every weekend. I have photos and video up at:

That includes a promised shot of Ebony in the weaves, although not in ours.

Here's one of the videos from that page, including almost everyone who was there:

We brought Ben for a while, just to see how he'd do around everyone since he was overwhelmed at the last Shiloh event I took him to. I had Diane come with me in a separate car so she could take him home after a little while, but darn if he didn't make it the whole day. Additionally, he got to participate in some of the session, including the tunnels and a-frame. He was also adorable and sweet with Marti's puppy Ember, although I don't have any photographic evidence. I was so glad we brought him along.


  • Love the 'creative problem solving' of some, despite it probably bringing despair to the trsiners (the belly crawl under the middle one, e.g.)

    By Blogger Corey, at 9:17 PM  

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