Black Acorn Dogs

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire

On Saturday, Diane and I went to the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire along with my friend, CTB (don't ask). The photo below is our mutual friend Sabrina, the Ink Witch, who has a booth at the Faire. Getting to see Sabrina was Perk #2 for making the 2.5 hour trip (5 hours total) so soon after our marathon tour of the Northeastern/Mid-Atlantic coast. Perk #1 was that I finally ordered my weave poles (for agility; those are the ones where there is a straight line of 6 or 12 poles where the dog runs through, weaving back and forth through the poles). I had to pick them up in Lancaster last Saturday or else wait for a trial about an hour away at the end of next month. We needed a good excuse to haul up to the PA Renn Faire anyway, so voila. And now I have my weave poles! I should have some video up of them in action by next weekend.

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  • What's a century or four? You're so picky.

    By Blogger Erica, at 4:12 PM  

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