Black Acorn Dogs

Saturday, September 02, 2006

The Raw Diet Bandwagon

We've officially joined the ranks of raw feeders. Due to Indie's awful allergies, we are now trying him on raw diet, starting last night. We're feeding Bravo, a prepared food that comes frozen in a tube or patties, and includes the meat, organs, ground bone, and some vegetation. Seeing what incredible results others have had by turning to raw diet, I have high hopes for this, but we shall see. I'll say this much... he LOVES the food. I'm giving the other two dogs a bit as well, and if this does kick Indie's allergy problem, I will try switching everyone over. They sure are excited about it.

Ebony had a very nice, though drizzly, agility lesson this morning. The most fun part was working through the weave poles with guides up ["weaving" is 12 poles that the dog is supposed to serpentine through, and guides, in this case, are short bits of garden fencing which discourage but to not prevent dog from going the wrong way in the poles]. This is the first time she's gone through weave poles without a x-pen channels or open channel weaves, and I couldn't believe that she figured it out extremely fast and hardly popped out at all. We need to work very quickly on getting speed through the poles, but I was impressed at how well she did. Melissa said that dogs don't tend to have a hard time learning weave poles: people do. She's done this so many times that I guess she would know! Ebony had a ton of energy today, probably because it was damp and chilly, but it made it a lot of fun. My biggest challenge with Ebony is that she quits very easily, so I love when she's "up".


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