Black Acorn Dogs

Monday, March 14, 2005

Back in the Saddle

Been a bit since I've blogged. Indie was so sick for four days, no eating and no wanting to eat, vomiting, the works, and he's 100% better now with no explanation of why he was sick in the first place. I guess I'm just glad he's better. After he was sick, I got sick for about 8 days, and thank goodness the dogs were all so patient in the meantime! They definitely got the short end of the stick during that whole time.

I had the horrible disappointment a week or so ago of being closed out of "Heeling, Fronts, and Finishes" with Ebony for the next session of class. That would leave us taking Sub-Novice Obedience, CGC Prep for the 4th time. That class is the last one that's still weighted more heavily toward pet owners than competition focus, so, while it's still no waste of time, I'm bored to tears just thinking about doing it one more time. I realized today that Novice Obedience, the one right after Fronts and Finishes, still has openings, so I've written the instructor for permission to skip ahead to that one. Cross your paws for me.

I spend the weekend at Pawsabilities in Harrisburg, PA working the Friends of Rumble booth. Sunday was slow so I got to spend quite a bit of time watching the Rally O trial, agility run-throughs, and obedience show-n-go. Watching everyone else perform is so motivating to me... it really gets me jazzed up. I don't care about competition for the sake of competing, if that makes sense, but I like having something to strive for. I want to get one of the dogs good enough to take into the ring to participate, even just in run throughs. I REALLY want to do agility, but I'll take what I can get with what the dogs offer. I think Indie will turn out to be my good little agility boy based on the training we're doing now, but we're still a year out from him being old enough to compete, and I don't think Ebby will ever really have the drive for it. So Rally is still what I'm hoping to do as a nice compromise. And we'll do Novice Obedience if it happens while we're at it.

Bad Hamster, there was a woman with an adorable mini-Eskie named Parker that was a little joy to watch in the obedience run-throughs, and I told her about you. Not like it matters that some stranger knows that one of my friends would be jealous of her dear little dog, but there you have it.


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